Saturday, January 29, 2011

Another 30th

This cake was for Christan’s 30th birthday. She is a big Colts fan! It was a white cake with buttercream icing.

Christan Thomas 30th (1)Christan Thomas 30th (2)

Sherry’s 50th

Today is my mother-in-law’s 50th birthday. We had a surprise party for her last night. She loves to quilt so this is what I came up with. I am very proud of how it turned out and I have a new appreciation for quilters. Smile It is a peanut butter cake with peanut butter icing and lots of fondant (cause she loves fondant).

Sherry's 50th (1)Sherry's 50th (2)Sherry's 50th (3)Sherry's 50th (4)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Catch up time!!

I am behind again as usual. So, Here is a catch-up post.

My Beautiful wife Christy turned 30 on January 9th. This is the cake I made for her birthday party. It was white cake with specialty icing and lots of fondant because she loves fondant.

Christy 30 (1)

Christy 30 (2)

My wife’s Grandma turned 70 on January 4th. The party was kinda last minute so I only had time to make cupcakes, but they turned out very cute.

Granny 70 (2)Granny 70 (1)

We have a young friend whose birthday is the day after Christmas. She also happens to LOVE nativity scenes. So, this year she wanted me to make her a “Baby Jesus Cake” for her birthday. It is chocolate cake with Specialty Icing and the figures are all made of fondant.

Nativity Cake (1)

Nativity Cake (3)Nativity Cake (2)