Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pre-school Halloween Party

I made some cupcakes for my oldest daughter, Karisse’s, Pre-school class. They are having their Halloween Party tomorrow. She is sooooo excited. She requested that they have purple icing. (purple is always her color of choice for anything)

preschool halloween (1) preschool halloween (2)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

We have not dropped off the face of the Earth!

I realize I have not posted anything in a couple of months, but wanted to let you know that we have not dropped off the face of the Earth. We sold our house and have moved to a rental house until we find or build the house we want. SOOO, That said I have not really been doing much baking the last couple of months. My cake stuff is still in boxes, but I do know where they are, so if you need a cake let me know.